We Can Farm

I just started reading You Can Farm by Joel Salatin. He says you should have a dream, a vision. Pursue that dream until it is a reality.

This morning I am dreaming of tomatoes. I am dreaming of tomato vines growing up bamboo poles, bamboo which we grew ourselves. These tomatoes will grow vertically alongside many of the garden beds, providing shade and wind protection for the other plants.

Come harvest time, we’ll have bushels upon bushels of tomatoes. This will be the busiest time of the year for us. Not only will we have to harvest all of these tomatoes, but we will have to process them for canning. For a farmer’s market we will load up the homemade bicycle trailer with 200 pounds of tomatoes, stacked on shelves. I’ll ride that the five miles to town, with Mags towing the kids behind her trailer.

At the farmer’s market we will see old friends and make new ones. And we will reap the rewards of our hard work and the land’s gifts to us.

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1 Response to We Can Farm

  1. Emma Matthews says:

    Grandma Myers would be proud of you canning your tomatos. That is an easy process requiring no special canning pot!

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