About Stu and Mags

Stu and Mags

We are Mags and Stu, a young married couple looking to start the next chapter in our lives. Until recently, we were employed professionals (physical therapy/pilates and IT, respectively).

Our future plans are to live in an intentional community while creating a healing cooperative business and a permaculture farm. Staying engaged in activism and the local community is important to us as well. We’d also like to raise a family and be involved in learner-directed education.

In our spare time we are involved with local social justice, environmental, health, and transportation activism.

During 2012 we are traveling for fun, research, education, volunteering, and inspiration.  A big part of the research is figuring out where we want to settle. Ideally, our home will have a decent amount of community land and other caring community members.

We can be reached at magsandstu@stuandmags.net.

10 Responses to About Stu and Mags

  1. Tiffany Bullivant says:

    Hi Mags & Stu,

    I hope your adventure is kicking off well so far. It was lovely to meet you both on the airport bus in DC! I’m back in LA now & wanted to check in on your travels – the pics look fabulous 🙂

    I look forward to keeping up to date!


  2. James says:

    Stu and Mags, It was awesome meeting you guys! Enjoy the rest of your adventures, Look forward to seeing you guys on your farm someday. We all are hanging out at the border here in Belize getting ready to cross into Guatemala tomorrow. Lots of bugs but we got booze and oranges!

  3. Susie says:

    Hello Stu and Mags,
    First time checking your blog, Paul and I were wondering where you guys were. Looks like we are across the globe from one another. I look forward to hearing your stories (keep the amazing food photos coming). We are back home for 6 months of work (ugh), but gearing up for South America, so we must live vicariously through your adventures for a while!

    • Mags says:

      Glad you could check in! I’m guessing it’s the start of Fire season in the woods. We will probably be in vancouver for the start of our bike tour in the fall. I forget how far you are from there. Hope your bat boxes work out to eat all the mosquitos!

  4. Junghoon Park says:

    Mags&Stu! I read your profile, and I thought that it’s really good decision to do something for yourselves and community. It gave me inspiration about my life.
    I really like this blog. Thank you for letting me know this blog!
    Also, I subscribed your blog and I hope to hear good news everytime.
    See you! 🙂

    • Mags says:

      I’m glad we can inspire you Hoon! We are having a lot of fun sharing our travels and plans. There is nothing like being ambitious to get what you want in life. Hope all is well in Seoul!

  5. Dan and Judy says:

    We have a couple of pictures of you both shot at sunset in Glen Aulin, Yosemite National Park. How can we send them to you? Sorry to hear about your accident Mags. Glad you were wearing a helmet.

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